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Classic, 3712[^]9781405688048 Radio Sci-Fi: A Fall of Moondust

Following a moonquake, the tourist-cruiser Selene sinks fifteen metres into the dust of the Sea of T
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Classic, 3712[^]9781405688048 Radio Sci-Fi: A Fall of Moondust
Following a moonquake, the tourist-cruiser Selene sinks fifteen metres into the dust of the Sea of Thirst. That dust is more liquid than sand, and it flows quicker than syrup and slower than water. No rescue attempt under such extraordinary conditions has ever been mounted - but now the lives of dozens of people are dependent upon it. Barry Foster, James Aubrey and Harry Towb are amongst the cast in this gripping, full-cast radio drama. It is based on a novel by Arthur C. Clarke, and was f

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